Friday, 8 October 2010

part red-head, part magpie

Sometimes, you stumble upon a shop and you walk in and it is love at first sight.  Craftability was a little shop in the local garden centre and a place that i used to frequent to get my beads etc.  The only other local place is hobbeycraft and although it has it's place, it is to haberdashery what Tescos is to food shopping.  Then Craftability disappeared, and although i had more money in my purse I was very sad.  After googling them, to my joy i found that they were still in existence and only up the road in Fenny Stratford.  As my folksy shop is now up and running i decided to go and have a look and am i glad i did, because i stumbled upon a little peice of magic; Threads and Patches. Unfortunately they do not have a photo of the outside of the shop on their website.

It is a fairly old building, as most of the roadside buildings are in Fenny Stratford, and the character is maintained throughout the shop or should i say shops.  Inside there are about four or five little businesses running, all of them based around the crafting.  In one room, there were 8 or so people busy at sewing machines around a large table, it looked like a patchwork workshop.  The fabric shop was lovely.  No Amy Butler or Martin Miller but lots of pretty cloth.  Round the corner was a huge wool store, up the stairs were lots of different card shops, scrap booking and then lastly Craftability.  This is not to mention,the other large rooms for workshops and BEST OF ALL, a little tea room, where you help yourself to a cuppa and then sit and keep yourself busy with your purchases.

I will not be exaggerating to say that i was shaking slightly as i left.

It has been an exciting week.  Not only is the bag finished, my folksy shop is up and running and to top it all off a new proposition has come from the local gallery.  So watch this space.

I have a busy evening ahead of me, with all of my purchases from today, including a big bag of purple buttons.  I have decided that i must be part red head, part magpie.

Have a lovely weekend people xx

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh!!!! I need some new scrapbook bits, I may have to make a visit!


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